Thieves Whitening Toothpaste, Dental Floss, & Mouthwash
Mary's Story: 4 children, 20 cavities in a few years... I had a big problem. My enamel was full of holes, I wasn't practicing correct dental hygiene, and my body was starved of nutrients and minerals. I stopped doing fluoride treatments when I found out it was a neurotoxin, and it wasn't stopping cavities anyway.

After having Grace and dealing with 16 cavities postpartum, I started using Thieves Toothpaste. I got a couple small ones after that, but when Thieves Whitening Toothpaste came out, I fell in love and something magical happened... my teeth got WAY whiter, my sensitivity went away, and I haven't had a cavity since! It took a couple years of huffing Valor and Peace and Calming before dentist visits before my anxiety and fear calmed down, but now I love getting cleanings!

Remineralization: Biological Dentists are helping people regain a healthy balance in the mouth, rather than just drilling and filling when cavities happen

Click here to follow @drleedia for "Remineralization part 1 and 2."
Click here to follow @blodgettdentalcare

Enamel, dentin, nerve... Enamel can be healed!

You NEED to brush!
  • Brushing with a good, soft, new brush is important.
  • Get a new one every 2 months and brush for 2 minutes.
  • Dr Leedia recommends the soft one from Trader Joes.
  • Your toothpaste NEEDS to have a remineralizing ingredient
  • Fluoride is toxic! It is recommended because it strengthens the crystals in your teeth, which makes your enamel harder and stronger. They are adding it into the water, salt, milk, dental products, and more. Too much causes big problems in the body.
More on Fluoride!
Fluoride: definitely worth researching! Read studies thoroughly... this one sounded in favor of fluoride for dental concerns, but goes on to list studies linking slightly elevated fluoride levels to infertility in men and women, thyroid issues, weakened bones and fractures, extensive calcification of ligaments, tendons, and cartilage, neurotoxicity. 
– It is important to note that there are no randomized controlled trials to validate the effectiveness of fluoridation (58). In 2000, none of the studies on fluoridation received a Grade A classification by the British Government’s “York Review” (59). Correspondingly, fluoride is classified as an “unapproved new drug” by the US Food and Drug Administration (60). As of January 2012, over 4,000 professionals have signed a memorandum to end water fluoridation worldwide (61).
Source: PubMed: CLICK HERE

Hydroxy... what?!?
The best remineralizing ingredient is hydroxyapatite which is superior to fluoride and nontoxic. It's the structural component within the crystals in your teeth, and your body naturally utilizes it! Hydroxyapatite (HA) is the main component of enamel, which gives an appearance of bright white and eliminates the diffuse reflectivity of light by closing the small pores of the enamel surface. Hydroxyapatite has long been among the most studied biomaterials in the medical field for both its proven biocompatibility and for being the main constituent of the mineral part of bone and teeth. Hydroxyapatite is also an important source of calcium and phosphate, very important for the remineralization of demineralized enamel areas. (Source: Click Here)
Studies on biocompatibility have shown that hydroxyapatite chemically binds to bone and induces no phenomena of toxicity nor inflammatory, local or systemic. (Source: Click Here )

HA is superior to fluoride AND non toxic! "In terms of restorative and preventive dentistry, nano-hydroxyapatite has significant remineralizing effects on initial enamel lesions, certainly superior to conventional fluoride, and good results on the sensitivity of the teeth." (Source: CLICK HERE )

Great news!! 
Thieves Whitening Toothpaste has hydroxyapatite as it's powerhouse agent. It strengthens enamel, brightens and whitens, and the ingested residue contributes to strong bones in the rest of the body!

When YL launched this toothpaste, Dr Buch explained how they are using nano-HA to rebuild the enamel of teeth. HA is also what makes your teeth bright and reflect light! And nothing cleans enamel better than enamel... it pulls out coffee, wine, and tea stains!
You NEED to floss!
Dental hygienists say, "You only have to floss the teeth you want to keep. The problem with floss: coated with teflon and artificial flavors. Thieves Dental Floss is pure, no teflon or toxic chemicals, and glides nicely

NOTE- a lot of companies put crappy ingredients (like teflon) in their products. YL doesn't! They DO care and you'll find out from these weekly calls that all of our products have superior ingredients!

Has thyme in it: kills strep and staph according to the Desk Reference Guide for Essential Oils, over 60 strains of bacteria and fungi, kill organisms responsible for tooth decay; over 100 studies documenting how essentials kill microbes that cause tooth decay and gingivitis. One is published in the ADA: the efficacy of essential oil containing antiseptic mouth rinse.

Hygiene Schedule:
  • If you have problematic teeth or are watching small cavities, get extra cleanings every 3 months, not every 6 months.
  • Acidity in the mouth matters big time.
  • Coffee, tea, dairly, sugar, alcohol, meat, and most water are all super acidic!
  • Acid causes demineralization, so you want to flip the switch on what's contributing to enamel problems and keep an alkaline mouth
  • Alkalize with a simple baking soda rinse after coffee, for sure!
  • Recipe: 12oz warm water with 1 tsp baking soda (or 6oz warm water with 1/2tsp baking soda)
  • Thieves Mouthwash is also alkalizing and freshens breath, soothes dry throats, and combats harmful bacteria without harming your healthy biome.
***Pro Tip: Use Thieves Mouthwash after brushing to help avoid sugar and junk food cravings! You are NOT going to want to eat junk afterward!

Morning Routine:
  • After coffee or eating, swish with Thieves Mouthwash and brush with Thieves Toothpaste.
  • If struggling with gum concerns, painful spots on lips or in the mouth, or chronic dental concerns, use Thieves Mouthwash more often throughout the day.
  • Remineralization Routine at Night:
  • Swish for 30 seconds with baking soda rinse (if remineralizing) or Thieves Mouthwash (for normal oral hygiene)
  • Floss with Thieves Dental Floss
  • Brush with Thieves Whitening Toothpaste for 2 minutes, swish paste, and spit. Don't rinse! Go to bed and let the hydroxyapatite do its work.

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