Let's Chat Immunity & Wellness...

When it comes to immunity, I think about things mostly in two ways...
Creating strength & immunity from the INSIDE out. Building immunity doesn’t happen overnight- consistency in healthy choices is key. Wherever you're at on this journey of wellness- I encourage you to stick with it and celebrate the progress you have made so far!
Also, I think about my environment. This can be a game changer & I'm going to share with you some tips below.
A healthy immune is something to cultivate over a lifetime. I wish it was as easy as a “once and done” or “Just take a pill” and you’ve got a good immune system- but it’s not. But that is actually a GOOD thing- because we have the opportunity daily to build a strong immune system with the choices we make each day.
If we have a less-than-ideal day, we always get the chance to begin again tomorrow. This is empowering! And we have a ton of control & influence over the state of our health and wellness.

All any of us can do is our best & to make progress to grow. You are doing the best first thing by considering for yourself what you need to do & learning about some tools that can help you. And truly, I applaud you for that!
Here are a few of the Top YL Supplements for Immune Support I've identified as ones to keep well stocked in my home: Ningxia Red, Life 9, Inner Defense, & Super C.

Some air pollution we cannot control, but a lot of it we can! The most common culprits we can control are things like candles, plug-ins, car air fresheners, and chemicals that might be sprayed around your home or office. These daily products cause stress to our bodies. 

We have to work that much harder to process & detoxify from these stressors, which takes energy and resources from our bodies in order to do so.

Beyond diffusing essential oils into the air, creating a protected and clean environment is important for staying healthy.

Young Living provides the best of quality, non toxic home & body products that we know do an outstanding job getting things clean-clean. All without the negative effects of synthetic & harsh chemicals.