May Gifts With Purchase are here!!

If you're new here, lemme fill you in. Every month Young Living gives us amazing products for FREE when you order a certain PV amount. These freebies will come with your order. The ones marked *ER Exclusive are for Essential Rewards orders only. Which if you're ordering and NOT on ER, that's just sillllllly. (No commitment, customize your box program where you earn points back to use on whatevs. It's the bomb.) 

Learn more here: Loyalty Rewards.

Alright, let’s break down these promos to see what you get!


 100PV // Free Shipping (YAS PLEASE!!!)

190PV // ACCEPTANCE, 5ml and // ENVISION, 5ml, ER Only

+ Acceptance:

Ok, who is excited about this oil?  This is one I do not use enough and this promo is gonna get me using it more often.  Acceptance stimulates the mind, compelling us to open and accept new things, people, or relationships in life, allowing one to reach a higher potential.  

Acceptance can be a beautiful oil for letting go of that and for emotional clearing.

It also helps us overcome procrastination and denial….like what?!!! Did you guys read that?!! Procrastination, I’m coming for you! (Goes to order a gallon!) 

+ Envision:

Helps to open the brain and helps you to daydream. When you are sad, upset, angry etc and your vision is gone. You can’t see what’s possible. Use it with Motivation.

Sage and spruce opens the heart chakra/energy center because when that is closed down, you cannot have vision. You have to have the brain and the heart connected in order to have vision. It is also great for respiratory exchange of oxygen. You gotta breathe diaphragmatically, breathe into the gut, breathe into the brain, get the oxygen past that neocortex (logical) part of the brain to make that vision happen. Rose brings you to a state of joy. Nobody is going to see good visions if they are angry. A sense of peace and balance helps to promote positive visions. Powerful in promoting the regeneration of new tissue, it takes 5000 pounds of petals for just to make 1 pound of oil. Orange is for the happiness! It makes you happy happy happy! Lavender is for the balance.

Diffuse this one when you need need to snap back to an inspired state!! It’s great during hour weekly planning sessions or anytime you need to get organized and inspired. I love putting a drop of this on my crown or in a roller as perfume! 

 250PV // VALOR, 5ml

Literally every single person needs to experience Valor themselves. So snag that bottle for yourself and see why it is so cherished and valued by so many of us. And if you *think* you don't need Valor, buy it anyways. YOU DO. 

It is AMAZING for sleep.

It balances the energy in the body, and is the very first oil used in the Raindrop Technique.

It is called the “chiropractor in a bottle”, and it MIRACULOUS on the spine. And keeping it straight. 



Roll this on yourself during times of very high stress. (This goes on me about 50 times during plane rides.)

Great in muscle blends, and so relaxing to sore muscles.

SO, so good for the MOOD and emotions.


When you can bring your energy into a center focus and balance your heart - you’ve got your Highest Potential. Do we know what our Highest Potential is? No we don’t. Because it evolves as we evolve. But it helps us see what our Highest Potential is at that moment! Awaken the desire by awakening the hormones, stimulating the adrenal glands.

Australian Blue Cypress works on the brain and is helping in stimulating the immune system. Cedarwood is grounding and anchoring for all the chakras and opening the respiratory track to exchange oxygen. Blue Tansy balances the adrenal glands. White Fir anchors the solar plexus.

Gathering blend gathers it all together, bringing the core into a centered focus. Jasmine is perfect for the liver. Ylang ylang is for the heart.

400PV // MOTIVATION, 5ml, ER Only

Use Motivation in the morning when you get out of bed. This blend is nooo joke. Generally within 15-20min, you feel the adrenals kicking it. Rub it behind the ears,  If you feel brain fatigue, Motivation can really help. Now go slay the day!!!